Writing or thinking about the person you have lost is an important part of grief. Sometimes it is easy to get stuck on the same thoughts over and over in a loop. Some people find that they get caught focusing on the death, rather than the life. Here are some sentence starters that may be useful in helping you connect with the particulars of what you have lost. Your sadness and pain are a mirror reflection of what you loved and lost. By remembering who and what you loved, and recognizing and honoring what you are truly experiencing, you will help yourself grieve.
Right now, I feel …
The thing I miss the most about the person I lost is …
Since the death, things have been different because …
If I could talk to the person who died, I would ask …
My worst memory is …
My best memory is …
Something I miss liked about the person I lost was …
When the person died I …
Since the death my friends …
After the death, work (or school) …
When I am alone …
I am surprised that …
I treasure …
I have learned that …
It’s difficult for me when …
I think the person I lost would want to be remembered as …
The hardest times in my grief have been …
The most comforting times in my grief have been …
Our relationship was …
I am grateful for …
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